Emma had a dance last weekend and she was so IN TO IT! I can't even tell you how much she has changed in the last year. Where is my tomboy!?
Journaling reads:
February 13th, 2009
These photos were taken
after Emma got ready
for her fifth grade
Valentine’s Day Dance.
She’s growing up so very
fast...she agonized over
her outfit, hairstyle &
if the boy she liked would
go to the dance. This is
a total turnaround from
a year ago, when she didn’t
even care about clothes !
I used the February mega kit by the ESS Design Team! You can get it at Enchanted Studio Scraps here: http://www.enchantedstudioscraps.com/xcart/product.php?productid=438&cat=277&page=1

These photos are of Miles and Emma, snuggling our sweet old lab, Autumn. She is 11 years old and getting pretty spoiled. She wasn't allowed to sleep in bed with Emma until about 3 months ago. I came to the realization that Autumn will not be with us for too much longer and
I want her days to be happy and full of love.
She deserves that much for all of the unconditional love she has shown our family.
kit is gonedoggy by Irene Alexeeva
In other non-scrapbooky related news...I am doing pretty well with my weightloss mission! I'm down 12 lbs in 3.5 weeks. Thanks in large part to my friends on the JM mommy weightloss and fitness board! Those gals keep me strong and on track. Thanks Ladies! One day I hope to have some great "after" pics to post on here...though I probably won't post the "before" pics!