Before I post my newest LOs (and there are only three...I've been in a little slump!) I just have to tell you all that I am finally getting off of my butt and trying to get healthier. Yesterday morning, I was getting dressed for work and it just hit me! I am tired of my clothes being tight and uncomfortable! I've been basically binge eating since I had Miles, 18 mon. ago, and I'm finally ready to get control of things. Today our whole family joined the YMCA and this is my second day of eating healthier and keeping track of what I eat. I joined the weight loss board on and they have already been so helpful to me. I took some "before" pics today but I won't be posting least until I have some encouraging "after" pics to add to them!
I'm going for loosing at least 20 pounds.
So...please wish me luck!
Okay, now to my LOs...
Princess Chloe and Princess Emma was created with Frog Prince kit by Brenda Smith and her template for the 2nd January Build a Treehouse challenge on ESS.

Our Boy Wonder was created with Calalily's Boys Rule kit and Old Newspaper alpha by natashanast. This LO title is perfect for Miles, because his Daddy and I are constantly amazed at the things he knows and does. He really is our little boy wonder!

This LO of Emma was made for the speedscrap challenge at ESS. And boy was this one a challenge for me! I seem to have problems any time there's a limit to how many elements I can use! By the way, someone asked me if anyone ever told me that Emma looks like a young Anne Hatheway. The answer is yes...we have heard that a few times!
Credits: Flourish from Christie Lemmon. Everything else from Brenda Smith in Blossoms and Butterflies revisited and Frog Prince kits;amp;page=1/